Casino Winning Systems

casino winning systems

1-3-2-6 System

This system is a very attractive system especially when betting on even money at the casino. The system sets limits on the player’s losses and sets the limits on rewards as well. With this kind of system it is much easier for the players to walk away from the casino table whatever occurs in the game. The player will risk two units of betting for giving the player a chance to win with ten units, but as true with other systems available they still require a little bit of luck in reaching the player’s goal.

The initial bet made by the player is one unit. If the player wins he will again add one unit, the total of the second bet is three units in all. If the player wins on the second bet, on the table there will be a total of six units. The player will remove his four units and on the table will remain two units of bet for his third bet. Again if the player wins, he will again add two units more, for the fourth bet there will be a total of six units. And assuming on the on the fourth round the player wins, he will collect his 12 units in all. If at all stages the player win he will collect 14 units.

The 1-3-2-6 System is unbeatable, but this type of system will give the player the strategy to play. In the end, this system will save the player’s bankroll. You can use this system at the game of Roulette, Craps and Blackjack.

Paroli System

Another casino system is the Paroli system. This system is the total opposite of the martingale system. Instead of increasing your bet when you lose in paroli you will increase when you win.

Even so, as a responsible player you still ought to plan your own betting procedure so you can asses how far are you willing to bet your money and when you should begin your initial betting again. You will also need to decide when you will raise after winning a bet. Your decision however will rely on the kind of game that you will be playing on the odds that you have against the casino. One perfect advantage of this paroli system is that you will are require to have a huge amount of money. This system is best when used in the game of Roulette, Blackjack and Craps.

Oscar Grind System

Oscar’s grind system is related to a gambler in the late 1950s and 1960s. The gambler has the name of “Oscar” he produced elaborate records of uniform benefits at the game of Craps. Below is the information of “Grind”.

The system will let the player bet with only one unit. If the player wins, it will be the end of the sequence and a new unit will be initiated. However if the player lose his bet, the next bet will be of an equal size as the one that the player had lost. If the player’s bet won, the next bet will be larger than the first one unit, unless it will cause the player to bet with more than one unit of his winnings for that specific sequence. At that specific point, just use the right amount of bet to net a single unit if the player wins.

The player can begin with a loss that will cause his second stake to stay at a single unit. The bet is won; this will put the player back to even. Since the player is only looking for a single unit win for the system progression, the player does not intensify the player’s bet with two units. The following bets from three to five are all losses so the players remain with a single unit stake.

The Oscar’s Grind system leans to be more cautious and less changeable. This sequence consists of five wins and at the same time five losses.

Parley System

This system is one of the simplest systems of all. After the bet has won the player will leave the winnings at the table and move on to the next level of betting this is often called the “let it ride”. Hence, in the next level of betting if the player loses the player will only lose his initial bet, on the contrary if the player won on his bet, the player gets back four more units.

The wager here does not have to be from the entire bankroll of the player. Based on the player’s 31 units to bet, there is a method and the series of these is 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8, this will be total to 31 units in all.

The initial bet of the player is one unit. The bet could range from $1 to 1/16 of the limit of the table. If the player wins the player can bet on an equal amount again. If the player loses on the series the player will go with a parley on every bet.

Take note of your wins with any of the parleys, in the game of parley, the player will be creating a successful wager and utilizes the player’s winning altogether with the first stake in the next hand for the same amount of bet. If the player wins again, the player simply won a parley game. This system can be use on the game of Roulette, Craps and Blackjack.